Friday, July 25, 2014

An Introduction: What is the "Israelite" in "Lady Israelite"?

Hello, internet!
In this, my maiden blogpost, I figured it would be wise to let you, reader, know what you are getting into.

So, first, an introduction:
     Hello, my name is Kat. I am a 23 year old English/Forensics secondary school (grades 8-12) teacher in the Midwest. My interests include books, art, cooking, travel, history, language, culture, and so on and so on (you may see posts relating to these things in the future). I live in a small house with my husband, Sven, and my cat, Tarquin. But, the real question--why this blog? I am also an Israelite. What is that? On to paragraph two!

     "Israelite" is a religion. I'll try to break it down in a couple of ways. We "come from" the Bible. We are not Christians, nor are we Jews, but we share similarities with both. People in the "movement" (as you will) go by a couple of names, including: Hebrew Israelite, Messianic Jew, Messianic, and, my personal choice, Israelite. Each movement name/label comes with its own personality and quirks, almost like denominations in the Christian church, so, if you meet some of us out and about, don't be surprised if we look/act differently between the different groups.
     So, what does an Israelite believe? A couple things. We do believe in who Christians know as "Jesus"--his actual name was Yeshua, and that's how I'll refer to him from here on out (but why the name difference?? Another post for another time)--He's the exact same guy, with the same traits, with the same actions, with the same personality, and we believe He did everything written in the New Testament (this is for you Christians out there). However, we also believe one should follow, strictly, the commandments of God (name of YHWH--also known as "Yahweh", "Jehovah", etc.), found mainly in the Old Testament, especially the first five books of the Bible. This Law is also called the "Torah" (which is also followed by Jews, though they also use the Talmud as a religious reference while we do not). We see these two core beliefs as fitting together perfectly, and strive to live our lives properly with Yeshua as our role model and the Torah as our rule book.

Rounding back to the beginning, what is the point of this blog? Will it all be religious? Is it just proselytizing? The point, reader, is this: I wish to present the perspective of a young, married, female Israelite. I will post explanations, tasty recipes, videos (no doubt), opinion pieces, and so on. I feel the need to do this as a result of the limited number of voices similar to mine on the internet. I want to present more information to the curious individual. I want to show "a day in the life", or "a year in the life". Also, I am a bit of a dissenting voice to many commonly-held beliefs of my religious group, so I'd like to present my own opposing opinions for those of you out there looking for that sort of thing.

Also, I think it will be fun :)

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