Saturday, August 22, 2015

Magnolia Interview Transcript

  1. How do you identify yourself, religiously?
I was raised in a Born Again Christian Church. I was baptized with this Church, Grace Christian Fellowship. I do not identify with this fellowship as an adult. I believe in a higher power, but I do not believe in religion. Religion has torn the world apart. I believe in love, forgiveness and understanding.
  1. What is your relationship status?
Engaged to a man who I have been dating for three years and lived / cohabitated with for two and half years.
  1. What, if any, questions do you have before we commence the interview?
  1. What is your general reaction to what you listened to?
Shock, complete and utter shock.
  1. Do you believe women are unable to understand men, and therefore unable to judge their actions?
No, women can understand men, and yes, we can judge them for their actions. Also vice versa.
  1. React to the statement, “women are a possession”.
Nope! Women are not possessions. I believe no woman nor man should be a possession of the other. In a relationship they should be as a team: not one above the other, but side by side together.
  1. How do sex slaves, like Bilhah and Zilpah, prevent “the lust of the world”?
  1. How do you define “love”?
A spiritual emotion that affects the body both physiologically and psychologically.  
  1. Does love create crippling, unmanly weakness in men?
Not in my experience. My own man has professed many times, I bring out the best in him and I strengthen him both emotionally and physically. Love has been described as the strongest emotion throughout ages. How could love be crippling? If someone finds love crippling, they’re doing it wrong. Or the poor person has no clue, idea, or understanding of what love means.
  1. React “the American woman is the enemy of a man”.
Ummmmmm. What the actual f**k???!!!! This statement is infuriating. Granted, I was raised as an American girl, as an American woman, and with the mindset America is the best of the best. As an adult, this is not true; America is no longer the best of the best. That’s a whole other thought. American women are not the enemy of man. We, meaning women, have more influence in America and the world today than we ever have. We, as women, have the potential to do great things in this world. American women are not privileged; we have fought for our rights and our standing in today's world.
  1. From this podcast, what is a “Biblical” marriage?
Man to woman or man to multiple wives i.e. Polygamy.
  1. From this podcast, what makes a man? What makes a woman?
A man’s value is measured by his possessions, his land, wife “wives” and seed “children”.
A woman’s value is measured by her womb, by her potential to bare seed “children”.  
  1. What makes a good marriage?
Above all, communication between spouses, expressing love verbally, emotionally and sexually is the most crucial communication in a marriage. Also [in] discussion and conflict, spouses should strive to challenge one another in all aspects of life. A sense of humor--both spouses should have a sense of humor.  
  1. (If married) how does your marriage work?
As an engaged woman, I can only hope my marriage is full of love and laughter.
  1. How does this make you feel about this religious sect?
Well, they’re extremists. I fear for the poor souls influenced by this very biased and extreme interpretation of the Bible. Religion isn’t all bad, but this form is the most dangerous. I find it alarming and scary. I fear for their “seed”--children and youths.
  1. Any closing thoughts/comments?
What the actual f**k! These poor women live in America and truly believe that American women are a threat to all men. Where, how, who taught you this? I have so many questions. Also, the conviction in their voices is f*****g terrifying. They believe they are possessions of their men. That is not okay. No one should ever be anyone’s possession or property. Also, their only goal in life is to bare seed, and, if they fail to do so, they are failures to their husbands. Okay, what about just companionship, conversation and love? Oh, wait, passionate love is a sin. WHAT THE HELL, PEOPLE!! I can’t even begin to understand these poor ladies. I wish I could because I believe in understanding, but they are radicals, and logic seems lost on them.

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